New lectures are posted every week under 2025 lectures

01 Book Of Wisdom breakdowns
Withinism - Chakaras
Withinism - Your body is the earth
Withinism - Soul trap and preparing for death
Withinism - Mentalism (conscious & subconscious mind)
Withinism - The last supper astrology breakdown
02 2024 LECTURES
Symbolic breakdown - Masonic M
Occult symbolism in the music industry
Left vs right brain
Hidden spells within the english langauge
The mind is the third eye
Controlling the emotions
The meaning of physical existance
The dopemine matrix
Secrets of the human heart
Psycology & the subconscious
The occult significance of sex
Consciousness & the avatar
The baphomet is not evil (symbolic breakdown)
The most powerful meditation method (guide and lecture)
Spirit and matter ( Anunaki )
Human energy field & manipulation of energy
Geometry, consciousness and acrhitecture
Spiritual anatomy (The Higher self and lower self)
03 2025 LECTURES
Who is Lucifer?
How to use the moon to your advantage
The bag of the gods symbolism decoded (Q&A)
Controlling the mind & how to find the soul
The Mind and the ether
Collective consciousness, 5D earth and Enviorments
04 Astral Projection
Lesson 1 - Planes of consciousness
Lesson 2 - The astral plane
Lesson 3 - The ethereal plane
Lesson 4 - Astral projection