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01  Astral Projection

Astral Projection - Donald J Degracia

The key to secret worlds - Eckensar

Treatise on astral projection - Robert Bruce

Techniques of astral projection - Douglas M Baker

Out of bodies experiences - Robert Peterson

Study of and practice of astral projection - Rober Krook

The astral plane - C W Leadbeater

Knowledge of the higher worlds - Rudolf Steiner

Activating the inner eye - Harry B Joseph

02  Occult and esoteric

The book of wisdom volume 1 - Harry B Joseph

The Hearth Book 1 - julio C. Castro

the Hearth Book 2 - Julio C. Castro

Universal one - Walter Russel

The secrets of light - Walter Russel

An outline of occult sciences - Rudolf Steiner

The occult significance of blood - Rudolf Steiner

Road to self knowledge - Rudolf steiner

The way of initiation - Rudolf Steiner

Secret teachings of all ages - Manly P Hall

Initiation of the flame - Manly P Hall

Inner life - C W Leadbeater

Man visible and invisible - C W Leadbeater

Thought forms - C W Leadbeater

All seeing eye - Manly P Hall

The human atmosphere

Godman (the word made flesh) - G Carrey

The hearth book - Divine Being

The wonders of the human body - G carrey

The lost key to the scriptures - Boyd Kuhn

The esoteric structure of the alphabet - Boyd Kuhn

Telepathy and the etheric vehicle - Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul

Thinking fourth dimensionally - Nevile Godard

The Kybalion (Raw Translation) - Thoth

03  Freemasonry

Lost keys of masonry - Manly P Hall

The hidden life in Freemasonry - C W Leadbeater

Mysticism of masonry - Unknown

Master masons handbook - J S M Ward

Glimpses of masonic history

04  Magic

Three books of occult philosiphy - Henry R Agrippa

Practical occulstism - J J Morse

The book of ceremonial magic - Authur Edward

Egyptian magic - Wallis Budge

05  Alchemical texts

Treatise of sexual alchemy - Samael

06  Kabalah

The mystical qabalah - Dion Fortune

07  Health

Human health guide - Harry B Joseph

08  Historical

Egyptian book of the dead - Wallis Budge

Emerald tablets of hermes - Unkown

09  CIA documents

Remote viewing theory

Remote viewing stages

Analysis and assesment of the gateway process

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