A saw with a narrow blade, used for cutting curves or irregular designs. These are some of my own scrollsawings projects.

Native American wooden arrowhead with scroll-sawed eagle head inside, leather straps and feathers.
Wooden paddle with the words "PUNISHMENT Teaching respect with love and a firm hand" scroll-sawed and wood-burned.
Wooden jewelry box with scroll-sawed designs around the sides and top, with inner lining and built in light.
Wooden plaque with scroll-sawed "I Love You" and beautiful designs around it, with its own stand and decorative ledge.
Native American warrior scroll-sawed and carved inside of an arrowhead with led lights.
Picture & frame with flowers, leaves, hearts and message "A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you".
Scroll saw decorated wooden candle box, candle holder sits on top with a drawer to hold tealight candles.
Native American warrior scroll-sawed and carved inside of an arrowhead with led lights, in wooden frame with feathers.
Wooden plaque with scroll-sawed "Zombie Response Team" and bio-hazard symbol and two skull & crossbones.
Scroll-sawed decorative initial 'G' in two sizes to set off a bed and a book shelf beside the bed.
Wooden cross with entire crucifixion and ascension scroll-sawed inside the cross.
Wooden plaque with scroll-sawed "Home and Family" and the portraits of family scroll-sawed in each corner.
Scroll saw decorated wooden pine urn box, Scroll sawed nameplate and portrait and hand-carved designs.
Scroll sawed emblem for The Royal Scots with epoxy resin on a wooden display stand, holding a candle.
Sroll sawed plaque of the Sri Yantra symbol on a wooden backing as part of a coffee table centerpiece.
Scroll-sawed decorative intricate Flower of Life symbol on a wooded backing as part of a coffee table design piece.
Scroll-sawed decorative simple Flower of Life symbol on a wooded backing as part of a coffee table design piece.
Wood and Glass coffee table with scroll sawed centerpieces and hand-carved designs with copper inlays.